Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Are you in Germany and want to become a Younique Presenter? Join here! BEITRETEN!

Hello my German Sisters!

If you have been hearing about Younique, and want to become a Younique Presenter, I am looking for German women to JOIN MY TEAM! You simply click the link, which will take you to my presenter page, and you click JOIN - which I have directly linked for you.

You will need to create a Younique account (Free), which you can log in with using Facebook, or Google+, and then you can join! You put in your name, shipping information, and agree to the presenter's agreement, and then you will be prompted to purchase your Presenter's Kit for 107 Euros.  This kit includes: ( *The $99 shown is in USD for USA Presenters)

Starting today, September 1, 2015 you can Now Join as a presenter (which was available to German residents from August 1, 2015), but now you can Host virtual parties, and sell to other German Residents!

If you are a German resident, and you are not interested in Joining, but would love to purchase some Younique products, you can also purchase them from my website HERE. There is an option  at the top right of my Webpage that will allow you to change the language and layout of the website to your own language! this will also convert all of the prices for you too!

Simply click the image of the USA flag in the top right corner, and choose your country and language! the website will refresh for an easier shopping experience for you!


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